Are You Ready to Pitch Like a Champion?

Pitching is a highly skilled position requiring precise control of body mechanics. At NCBA, our professional staff teaches core principles to develop a consistent, balanced, and repeatable delivery—fundamental for long-term success. These mechanics form the cornerstone of each pitcher’s development, regardless of experience or competition level.

By combining these principles with age-appropriate training programs, we aim to help aspiring pitchers optimize their performance, achieve peak levels, and unlock their full potential on the mound.

What to Expect During a Pitching Lesson

Please arrive a few minutes early to start stretching Your coach will play catch with you to warm up your arm (this is also where we start
to assess your throwing mechanics and arm action)

First-time lessons will throw a few pitches and go through a mechanics
assessment/breakdown, possibly including:
  • Video analysis
  • Mirror work
  • Marking landing areas on the mound
Then it’s time to do the work! You and your coach will always focus on:
  • Dry reps and drill work
  • Create a consistent, repeatable pitching motion with sound fundamentals
  • Structured Bullpen routine encouraging locating all pitches (expect to throw 40-50 pitches)
  • Learning to throw offspeed pitches that are appropriate for your age and skill level
As you do more lessons, you will also address:
  • Radar readings on your fastball velocity
  • Mix your holds and control the game’s tempo
  • Quicken your time to the plate from the stretch
  • Pick off to the bases properly
  • Field your position
  • Strategies to refocus when you’re not performing 100%
  • Rapsodo Data collection (with Scott Bankhead only)
What to bring to a pitching
  • Turf shoes or tennis shoes – something that laces up
  • A glove
  • Dress comfortably – our
    mounds are indoors and made of turf
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